Engineers and Scientists of the Future

Brief description: The ACIEPE “Engineers and Scientists of the Future”, is a course that has been offered every six months at the Department of Materials Engineering – DEMa/UFSCar, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Marcello RB Andreeta since 2013. This course aims to bring to public elementary schools the structure of “scientific thinking”, also known as “scientific method”.
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Marcello R. B. Andreeta

Communication of the Materials Engineering - UFSCar

Brief description: This course will enable the engagement among undergraduate (BSc in Materials Engineering) and  graduate (PPGCEM/UFSCar) students, faculties of DEMa/UFSCar, and the external community, aiming at the production, systematization, and dissemination of the knowledge generated at UFSCar towards the society. The objectives of this ACIEPE are (1) scientific dissemination/popularization, updating the community about our technical and scientific advances; (2) monitoring of alumni, mapping and interacting with alumni; (3) attraction of talents, expanding the reach of our events and opportunities; and (4) attraction of industrial partners, catalyzing technology transfers, research funding, and internship hosts.
Responsible: Profs. Drs. Caio Otoni, Dereck Muche e Guilherme Zepon