A Matéria

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The Jornal named A Matéria is a non-profit student’s project created in 2015 by Materials Engineering students at UFSCar, with the aim of increasing communication and interaction among the students, professors and the department's administrative technical staff. In addition, the Journal encourages the promotion of debates in the academic environment and outside the university, providing the opportunity for the dissemination of ideas and information. The Journal started with crew composed of 13 students, working with great effort for the evolution of the project. Currently, the team has 18 members and is already in its sixteenth release edition.

The topics covered in the editions of the newspaper a Matéria, include research and technological innovations, political and scientific discussions about the science and engineering of materials and services for the dissemination of scientific and academic opportunities as well as the coverage and dissemination of events and entertainment.

The Newspaper circulations are free and take place during Launching events, so sponsorship money goes to these events and to print of physical copies. The launches, which take place up to twice a semester, include coffee breaks and are a great opportunity for interaction between the Department of materials Engineering (DEMa) students, professors and technicians. More details of the newspaper and access to past issues on the website: www.jornalamateria.ufscar.br (external link).