Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer
Manufacturer and model: Perkin Elmer, Frontier MIR+SP10 STD
Description: The Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR) model SPECTRUM 3 from Perkin Elmer has a DynasCAn interferometer stabilized source, sealed, and dried optic system coated Ge KBr allowing a scanning of 8,300-350 cm-1 and with the extender accessory extends this reading range, providing 0.4 cm-1 resolution and 10,000/1 pk-pk signal/noise in 5 s of scanning. Includes TCP/IP communication interface for connection to the computer and LAN. Wide sample volume that allows analysis of larger sample dimensions. The large sample compartment. Automatic checks include contamination, noise, abscissa, and transmission checks. Also included is Automatic Performance Verification (APV). An automatic atmospheric correction algorithm (H2O and CO2). Accessories for the surface analysis of opaque materials, such as Diffuse Reflectance, Sphere of Integration and ATR (Attenuated total reflectance), are included, as well as essential accessories for the development and characterization of biomaterials.
Acquisition funding: FAPESP (grant # 2020/07946-0)
Location: Vitreous Materials Laboratory - LaMaV
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