Dereck Nills Ferreira Muche

White man, with a short side parted black hair, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, wearing a dark blue polo shirt

Assistant Professor

Phone: +55 (16) 3351-8513


CV Lattes: (external link)

ORCID: (external link)


Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Brazil, 2019, Postdoctoral Associate
University of California, Davis (UC Davis), USA, 2018, D.Sc., Materials Science and Engineering
University Center of FEI (FEI), Brazil, 2012, M.Sc., Energy and Propulsion
University Center of FEI (FEI), Brazil, 2009, B.Sc., Chemical Engineering

Research Interests

  1. Engineering of interfaces and thermodynamics of nanostructured materials.
  2. Processing of high hardness and high temperature nanostructured ceramics.

Research Groups and Labs