Silvia Helena Prado Bettini

Woman, white, light brown hair, short and straight, black blouse and necklace

Associate Professor

Phone: +55 (16) 3351-8550


CV Lattes: (external link)

ORCID: (external link)


Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil, 2000, Postdoctoral Associate. 
Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil, 1997, D.Sc., Materials Science and Engineering.
University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, 1992, M.Sc., Chemical Engineering - Materials and Process
Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil, 1987, B.Sc., Chemical Engineering

Research Interests

  1. Biodegradability in polymers
  2. Biodegradable polymers
  3. Reactive extrusion
  4. Degradation and stabilization of polymers
  5. Reuse of waste
  6. Polymer composites