Complete ASTAR system for orientation and phase mapping


Manufacturer and model: NanoMEGAS, SPRL

Description: The ASTAR is an ultra fast system that can perform an acquisition between 5-10 min in an area of 5x5 microns (500x500 points) with dedicated CCD camera. When combined with the precession system allows obtaining maps of orientation and phases with extreme precision. When combined with a transmission electron microscope (Tecnai G2 F20 - EGF, with a resolution of 1.5 A), the ASTAR system can also be very useful for characterizing micrographs at high resolution and generate maps of orientation. It is a typical multi-user system because the equipment/method is based on a MET system, and therefore can be applied for any kind of materials that generate diffraction, in any crystal symmetry, including metals, ceramics, semiconductors.

Acquisition funding: FAPESP

Location: Structural Characterization Laboratory (LCE)/DEMa

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