Transmission Electron Microscope - FEI TECNAI G² F20 HRTEM
Manufacturer and model: FEI TECNAI G² F20 HRTEM
Description: The FEI Tecnai G² F20 is a TEM-FEG operating at 200 kV with immense analytical capacity. This microscope allows the acquisition of conventional TEM images (Bright field, Dark field and Diffraction) and high-resolution images (HRTEM). This microscope is also equipped with a transmission-scanning electron microscopy (STEM) system that allows imaging in bright field, dark field and HAADF (High Angle Annular Dark Field) modes. The FEI Tecnai G² F20 is also equipped with EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) and EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) detectors, making it a powerful analytical tool.
Acquisition funding: FINEP
Location: Structural Characterization Laboratory (LCE)/DEMa
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