X-ray Diffractometer - Rigaku Geiger-Flex
Manufacturer and model: Rigaku Geiger-Flex
Description: The Rigaku Geiger-Flex X-ray diffractometer is a θ-2θ type system configured in Bragg-Brentano geometry. The X-ray source is a copper tube with a characteristic emission line of 1.54 Å / 8.047 keV (Cu-Kα1) and operates at a power of 1.6 kW (40 kV x 40 mA). This diffractometer has a curved graphite monochromator and scintillator type detector (SC). It is possible to perform powder diffraction and diffraction of bulk samples (Bulk).
Acquisition funding:
Location: Structural Characterization Laboratory – LCE
Booking contact: http://www.lce-dema.ufscar.br